Our Lord Jesus Christ - Neo Coptic style- 2024

Our lord Jesus Christ the Pandokrator

Our Lord Jesus Christ the Pantokrator

St. George
St. George
St. Marc the Evanglist
St. Marc the Evanglist
The Resurrection
The Resurrection
St. Anba Moussa the Strong
St. Anba Moussa the Strong
The Annunciation
The Annunciation
St. Theodore of Shatb
St. Theodore of Shatb
Archangel Suriel
Archangel Suriel
Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael
Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Raphael
Archangel Raphael
Anba Shenouda, Anba Antonius, Anba Pachomius
Anba Shenouda, Anba Antonius, Anba Pachomius
St.Gregory the Great, St. John Chrysostomos, St. Basil
St.Gregory the Great, St. John Chrysostomos, St. Basil
The Preaching
The Preaching
St. Cyril the Great and Our Lord
St. Cyril the Great and Our Lord
St. Catherine of Alexandria
St. Catherine of Alexandria
St. Ann and St. Simon the Elder
St. Ann and St. Simon the Elder
St. Priscilla and St.Aquila
St. Priscilla and St.Aquila
St. Basil the Great
St. Basil the Great
St. Sofia and her Daughters
St. Sofia and her Daughters
St. Augustine
St. Augustine
St. Jacob
St. Jacob
St. Demiana
St. Demiana
St. Gregory The Great
St. Gregory The Great
St. Mina the Wonder Maker
St. Mina the Wonder Maker
Our Lord the Pantokrator
Our Lord the Pantokrator
 The Pantokrator
The Pantokrator
Jesus The Teacher
Jesus The Teacher
Pope Cyril the VI
Pope Cyril the VI
St. John the Baptist
St. John the Baptist
St. Philopater
St. Philopater
St. Christopher
St. Christopher
Lamps of The World
Lamps of The World
Christ The High Priest
Christ The High Priest
The Prophets and Our Lord
The Prophets and Our Lord
The Eucharist
The Eucharist
Feeding the Multitude
Feeding the Multitude

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